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What is RISE?

You could say the early church was a church on the rise. In Acts 2 we read that they "continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers... And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved." This is where we get our vision for the church: to RISE.
Read. Invest. Surround. Engage.

We're READING God's word
regularly to know Him intimately.

We believe the Bible is God's word to us and we devote time regularly to reading it - not just to gain knowledge, but to grow in relationship with Him. One of the practical ways we do this at GMCM is through our 3 Year Reading Plan. 

We're READING God's word
regularly to know Him intimately.

We believe the Bible is God's word to us and we devote time regularly to reading it - not just to gain knowledge, but to grow in relationship with Him. One of the practical ways we do this at GMCM is through our 3 Year Reading Plan. 

We're INVESTING our time and resources worshipfully.

Everything we have came from God, and He has invited us to play a part in His idea on the earth: the local church! We invest our time by volunteering to bless others and we invest our resources through financial giving.
So how can you play a part in this? Simple: Pick a place, pick a percentage.

Sign up to serve with a volunteer team and trust God with your resources. For where your treasure (time and resources) is, there your heart will be also!


GIVE                           VOLUNTEER

We're SURROUNDING ourselves with godly community.

The Christian life is not meant to be lived alone. We were created for community! We believe that when we surround ourselves with like-minded, godly believers, we are better positioned to grow into the people that God created us to be.

So what's your next step? Come each weekend, worship and serve along others, and get involved in a  small group!

We're ENGAGING our world with God's love.

We love because He first loved us - and we are dedicated to letting everyone know about the life-changing message of the Gospel. Maybe that means traveling around the world on a mission trip, or maybe it means conversations with your neighbors and coworkers.

So how can you play a part in this? Go on a short term trip or come out to one of our community outreaches/crusades events here in Rusinga Island. Pray for the missionaries sent out from our church, and engage others in your own life with the love of Jesus.




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